PSBU Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 12)
Sustainable Cities and Communities
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations form a universal blueprint aimed at achieving a more equitable, peaceful, and sustainable world by 2030.
Summary of SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Goal 17 emphasizes the importance of partnerships in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Global challenges require collaborative efforts between governments, the private sector, civil society, and other stakeholders. This goal promotes improved trade, investment in sustainable development, capacity building in developing countries, and stronger global partnerships to achieve the goals.
How can this SDG 17 be applied at PSBU?
Summary: This goal strengthens global partnerships for sustainable development, ensuring resources and expertise are shared to achieve the SDGs.
- Research: Study effective partnership models between universities, governments, and NGOs.
- Community: Foster partnerships with local governments for development projects.
- In-house: Develop a university consortium to share research and best practices for SDG achievement.
- Outreach: Establish international exchange programs focused on sustainability and development.
- Campus: Partner with businesses
- Global University Networks: Join international academic networks to share research, best practices, and resources for achieving SDGs. Encourage student and faculty exchanges focused on development issues.
- Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with businesses, NGOs, and government institutions on research and development projects that address sustainable development challenges.
- SDG-Focused Research Grants: Establish grant programs to fund student and faculty research projects specifically aimed at achieving the SDGs, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration.